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More air during sleep and exercise

Allows you excellent air flow for optimal nasal breathing.

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Reduces mouth breathing

Stay away from nasal spray

No nose surgery

Sleep better

This is how noson works

Noson® gently expands the nostrils from within and improving nasal breathing.
With increased oxygen saturation into the blood, the body burns: fats, carbohydrates and proteins into carbon dioxide and water way more effectively!
Due to the improved combustion, more energy is supplied to the body,
which is essential for the metabolism and all of the cells of the body.


Prof. Dr. Kurt Tschopp

“With Noson® my nostrils stretch and are stabilized. I have at least 50 % more air. Mouth breathing is now hardly necessary. I no longer go on a bike tour without Noson® and have already reversed if I forget it. I can recommend Noson® to all endurance athletes who have a narrow, narrow nose. With Noson® you will achieve an enormous improvement in nasal breathing. The best nasal dilator. Thanks again for the Noson®! ”


Handcrafted, 100% Swiss Made

The Foundation Zurich factory is committed to the social and economic integration and support of people with predominantly intellectual disabilities

Thanks to our collaboration, we support the Züriwerk in its goal of allowing people with disabilities to participate and participate in social life on an equal and self-determined basis.

Noson nasal dilator-nasal dilator

noson premium

More air when sleeping and exercising, order the noson Premium now and increase your performance.

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company holidays

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that orders will only be processed again on 03.01.2024 to be edited!

The noson team wishes you a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year